Wusstopher Sighting

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Moderators: leeroy_t, TheStuboy, Kaing of Kaings

Wusstopher Sighting

Postby leeroy_t » April 24th, 2008, 9:15 pm

Ell, I sighted this guy that looked like you at this project pre bid site visit, he must have been a civil engineer too. He was like hea hea hea when we were walking down this trail to the site of where this bridge might be built. Then later we got back to our cars and he was trying to score with these two KOs who wore high heels to the site visit eventhough we were expecting to hike like 2 miles. he ended up leaving with these two guys driving one of those kang ass monster trucks with gigantic wheels. or as I call Norco Neckwarmer trucks.
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Several Wusstophers in Flag

Postby Kaing of Kaings » June 22nd, 2008, 9:08 pm

That's funny you saw a Wusstopher out there. There have been several claims from other people that they have seen Wusstopher's out here in Flag. Apparently, I am a pretty common genetic form. I got two comments on the same day a couple weeks ago that I look like someone else in Flagstaff. Apparently, I even look like one of the Flagstaff Police Departments finest. My woman and I were at a German Restaurante and the German guy came up and said, "Are you a police man?" I said no. He went on to explain that he got into a car accident and the police officer looked just like me. Maybe i'm like sasquatch where there are multiple sightings but no one can prove I exists, except for me of course. Hea.
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