by Kaing of Kaings » June 22nd, 2008, 9:08 pm
That's funny you saw a Wusstopher out there. There have been several claims from other people that they have seen Wusstopher's out here in Flag. Apparently, I am a pretty common genetic form. I got two comments on the same day a couple weeks ago that I look like someone else in Flagstaff. Apparently, I even look like one of the Flagstaff Police Departments finest. My woman and I were at a German Restaurante and the German guy came up and said, "Are you a police man?" I said no. He went on to explain that he got into a car accident and the police officer looked just like me. Maybe i'm like sasquatch where there are multiple sightings but no one can prove I exists, except for me of course. Hea.
Harry: " Whoa, Jesus, Check out the butt on that one."
Lloyd: "He must work out."
Dumb and Dumber