First Encounters Help Forum (Updated)

Here you'll find all the waste thats left over after a thread or part of the forum is nuked. This is just in case anyone wants to read them, but they are basically useless.

Moderator: TheStuboy

First Encounters Help Forum (Updated)

Postby TheStuboy » March 2nd, 2005, 4:23 pm

Tech Support (not this message, but the part of the forum it's posted in) will be the place for anyone who has problems running the game. I will create a sticky sooner or later that includes frequently asked questions (a FAQ) so you can find your answers quicker. Thanks for visiting, hope you enjoy the game.

Edit - Created a specific seciton of the site for this kind of thing, topic has been moved. Post any problems in the thread you are reading this in now.
"I won, you losht, get ushed to it shon"
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Postby TheStuboy » February 6th, 2006, 11:38 pm

I've noticed a bug that seems unfixable at this point in time. Particularly on my machine, the game tends to skip frames every so often mainly when flying to starports after jumping through hyperspace.

I suspect it might just be my kang computer, but if you have similar problems let me know, I'm still trying to work out a fix.

I apologize for not updating the site sooner. I will post my latest save online asap. Thanks for playing FFE, a first class (old) Dos Game.
"I won, you losht, get ushed to it shon"
Danny Glovershh - Shhootersh.
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Mitch D. Umbass
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